I'm not sure if I will blog about this every day of the challenge, but I kind of want to capture this journey.
Day one of The Whole 30 done! I'm combining it with some additional supplements and a Facebook break, too. This 30 day (I may go longer) challenge is exactly what I needed to break my current food habits and build some new ones to start eating more real, whole, healthy foods. It's my crunchy boot camp to get me eating the way I know I should be but haven't taken the time to put into practice yet. I'm also trying to break some unhealthy time-management habits-- too much Facebook!
I've been preparing the last week or so. I have a plan for meals and I did my grocery shopping yesterday based on that plan. I know what I'm going to make for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. (Sooo hoping that this habit carries over once the challenge is done! It's so helpful!) That made day one pretty easy meal-wise. I had some snack cravings after lunch, but otherwise, I've been feeling full and feeling good.
I also made two "food discoveries" thanks to the Whole 30 stretching me to look for approved meal options.
First, on my salads, I tried a mixture of mostly white wine vinegar and a little red wine vinegar, as well as olive oil. It tasted just like the vinegar at Subway! (Found the "recipe" earlier this week through a google search, here.) I was pretty pumped that it was legit! It really does taste just like Subway!
I also had spaghetti squash for the first time today-- easy "noodles!" So fun! Glad I had learned of these through my mama group on Facebook. It was about time I finally tried it! I'll have to see if I can find a Whole 30 approved marinara sauce and try that out on it.
The hardest part, honestly, was staying off Facebook today! I was not expecting that. I was surprised by the urge to constantly check for notifications, on my phone or on the computer. The addiction is strong, people! And also realizing how much time I had been spending that I was able to spend with my boys, preparing my whole food meals, or other things today. I love all my Facebook friends and the groups I participate in on there, but I also spent too much time browsing and then getting sucked into random links and videos. Breaking that habit now! When I go back I hope to have some healthy boundaries set so that my time spent on Facebook will be about connecting and not just wasting time. That's the goal anyway!
So that is day one! Blessings!