Friday, February 6, 2015

The Whole 30: Day 9

I am continually amazed at God's timing. When I planned this Whole 30 plus Facebook break, I had no idea all that He would lead me to through it. I feel like one thing after another keeps falling into place. Like finally reading the Dave Ramsey books, right before tax return time, so our financial outlook is completely changed. And now I found this 'Choose Love' 21-day challenge today, when I have 21 days left! Yes! I'm accepting that challenge and adding it on to what I'm already doing!

That means my challenge now is to eat whole, healthy foods, invest my time away from Facebook, be thrifty in every way possible, and above all, choose love!

Speaking of choosing to love, any mamas need a doula? This praying mama loves to love on expecting mamas! I've been working on finishing my doula certification this past week. Papers written, forms filled out, and everything printed and ready to send. I only need to fulfill one last requirement, then I can send everything in and be an officially certified doula!

Anyway, this diet change has been challenging me. I've considered quitting it more than once and continuing on a modified version, but I really want to complete the full 30 days. My determination to reach the goal has won out each time so far, and now that I'm nearly 1/3 done, that helps! Larabars have also helped. ;) Thank God for whoever it was that mentioned those to me!

I also want to say that finding the 'Choose Love' challenge right now is perfect timing, not just in that the 21 days coincides with the last 21 days of my Whole 30, but also because the last few days I have been a rushing, harried, impatient mess. I've gotten so excited and motivated to move on so many different things (all good things!), but I've been trying to do them all at once in my own strength. As I read today's entry in Jesus Calling this morning, God was reminding me to sloooow down. This challenge is another God reminder to slow down and choose love. So I will choose love. :)

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